Longshoreman Killed During Steel Product Discharge Operations [Paulsboro, NJ – 16 September 2018)

With great regret, Blueoceana Company has received word of a fatal accident occurring at the Paulsboro Marine Terminal (Southern New Jersey) earlier today.
While all the facts are yet to be learned, the report received here speaks to a longshore worker being struck/crushed by steel plate(s) that ostensibly had been used as a work surface within one of the cargo holds aboard M/V VIRTUOUS STRIKER, which was discharging steel products (slabs, at that hatch). We understand that the steel plate(s) were being moved by a forklift truck, and owing to one or more of the wheels of the machine dropping into a gap between the steel slab stows, the plate(s) slid off the machine’s forks, dropped and fell upon this worker. Moreover, we’ve been told (without confirmation) that the victim tried to jump out of the way and onto the hatch’s tank top, but the steel plate(s) followed him down. At this time, the worker’s identity is unknown. As further information is received, it will be posted here the form of updates.
We do know that the Paulsboro Marine Terminal is owned by the South Jersey Port Corporation (a governmental entity) and that stevedoring services there are provided by an entity within the Holt Cargo Systems organization. Our understanding, is that workers at that facility are not represented by the International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA) but are rather members of Local 1 of the Independent Dock Workers Union (IDWU).
Update: 21 September 2018 (8:00 AM EST) It took four days for the media to catch up to this accident, but we are able to now provide links to those reports (see below). The young (26 year old) worker who was killed is identified as Mr. Basim Gilliard, of Pennsauken, NJ.
Below: Mr. Basim Gilliard
Link to Media Account: Worker killed by falling steel planks on ship docked at N.J. port (092018)
Link to Media Account: Longshoreman Killed During Cargo Ops at New Jersey Port (092018)
Below: Members of Local 1, Independent Dock Workers