Truck Driver Backed Over By Reach Stacker; Fatally Crushed – [Truong Tho Port, Viet Nam – 17 December 2024]
![Truck Driver Backed Over By Reach Stacker; Fatally Crushed – [Truong Tho Port, Viet Nam – 17 December 2024]](
Information reaching Blueoceana Company has us understand that a 39 year old over-the-road container truck driver identified only as Mr. P.D.N was backed over and killed by a reversing reach stacker at the Troung Tho Port Marine Terminal on December 17, 2024.
Located on the Saigon River just outside the center of Ho Chi Minh City, Troung Tho Port is a beehive of marine terminal activity with many trucks lining up each day to deliver and receive ocean shipments of all kinds.
Judging from the photograph that accompanies the media report linked to below, it appears likely that the accident victim was standing adjacent to his tractor/chassis/container combination (perhaps securing chassis pins/twistlocks) when a reach stacker operator busy with arranging other containers backed over him within a narrow space.
Link to Media Account: