Marine Terminal Checker Fatally Crushed in Vehicular Incident [Genoa, Italy – 18 December 2024]
![Marine Terminal Checker Fatally Crushed in Vehicular Incident [Genoa, Italy – 18 December 2024]](
Reports coming to Blueoceana Company would have us understand that Gianni Battista Macciò, a 52 year old checker, was struck and killed by a yard tractor while checking the security seal on an intermodal container at the PSA-operated container terminal at Genoa port, Italy on 18 December 2024.
Another worker was also struck by the vehicle and suffered serious, but non-fatal, injuries. The 54 year old yard tractor operator had executed what has been characterized as a questionable vehicular maneuver during this incident. We’ve obtained a rather grainy closed circuit security camera video clip which depicts the entirety of the yard tractor’s route (See below).
It is noted that the yard tractor operator, through his legal counsel, has stated that sleep deprivation and overwork are to blame. It’s also noted that the operator tested positive for cannabis metabolites, and that he has stated that he had “…smoked a joint one or two days before the accident.” According to press reports, those tests revealed that although testing positive he “…was not in a state of alteration.” We know of no available scientific testing protocols which would confirm or refute “alteration”, which we assume to mean “impairment.”
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