Marine Terminal Worker is Drowning Victim as Industrial Truck Falls Into Harbor [Santana Port, Brazil – 16 January 2024]
On 16 January 2024, Renan da Silva Lobato, 30, a dockworker at the Amazon River port of Santana was operating a forklift truck during the loading of general cargo aboard an unnamed ocean-going vessel. During that process, his industrial truck fell into the river’s harbor. Fellow workers noted that he had been wearing the machine’s seatbelt and conjectured that he was unable to free himself as the forklift sank into the river’s 36 meters (118 feet) sediment. It was assumed that he had drowned.
Two day’s later (18 January), a large, Brazilian military-led retrieval effort was able to raise the forklift from the silt and found that Renan Lobato was not in it….. There was some hope, then, that he had been able to free himself and was perhaps alive and incapacitated. A search was immediately begun.
Late last night (19 January), however, those hopes were dashed when his body was found not far from the accident scene.
Nothing more about the particulars of the accident have been revealed. Blueoceana Company will continue to monitor media accounts, and if further information becomes available we will UPDATE this posting accordingly.
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