Over-The-Road Trucker Run Over By Another Over-The-Road Driver; Killed [Pier 400 Los Angeles Port – 15 February 2022]

Over-The-Road Trucker Run Over By Another Over-The-Road Driver; Killed [Pier 400 Los Angeles Port – 15 February 2022]

Posted by on Feb 16, 2022 in Bulletins

Over-The-Road Trucker Run Over By Another Over-The-Road Driver; Killed  [Pier 400 Los Angeles Port – 15 February 2022]

Sadly, we understand from a typically very reliable source that an over-the-road truckman was run over and killed by another over-the road driver last night at approximately 7:30 PM at Pier 400 (APMT) Los Angeles port.

The report indicates that the victim was out of his cab in/around the RTG stacks; likely an unauthorized pedestrian.

Drivers: Please stay in your tractors!

Terminal Operators: Please implement and enforce effective rules of the road!

APMT’s Pier 400 has established terminal safety rules directed expressly towards over-the-road truckers. Within those rules, staying in the cab of their tractors [designated areas excepted] leads the lineup of requirements. Here’s a link:


Above: The Accident Scene
Above: Orientation of Pier 400, Los Angeles

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