Two Longshore Workers Asphyxiated In Bulk Carrier’s Cargo Hold [Donghae, S. Korea – 18 March 2021]

Two Longshore Workers Asphyxiated In Bulk Carrier’s Cargo Hold [Donghae, S. Korea – 18 March 2021]

Posted by on Mar 19, 2021 in Bulletins

Two Longshore Workers Asphyxiated In Bulk Carrier’s Cargo Hold  [Donghae, S. Korea – 18 March 2021]

With great regret, Blueoceana Company has been made to understand that two longshore workers died within an oxygen deficient atmosphere aboard M/V ENY last night (18 March 2021) at the South Korean port of Donghae.

Media reports indicate that one of the workers went into a hold containing a cargo of bulk Zinc concentrate, for the purpose of making adjustments to the cargo handling gear. Within moments, he lost consciousness and collapsed. The 2nd worker went into the hold to assist his fellow longshoreman and suffered the same fate.

Zinc concentrate cargoes are notorious for rapidly depleting the amount of available oxygen within a given space, and for that purpose atmospheric tests are necessary before allowing entry.

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Above: M/V ENY
Above: Orientation of Donghae Port

Zinc concentrate cargo intelligence:

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