Marine Terminal Worker Fatally Crushed By Reach Stacker [Currently Undisclosed Port – 30 December 2020]

Marine Terminal Worker Fatally Crushed By Reach Stacker [Currently Undisclosed Port – 30 December 2020]

Posted by on Jan 11, 2021 in Bulletins

Marine Terminal Worker Fatally Crushed By Reach Stacker [Currently Undisclosed Port – 30 December 2020]

Blueoceana Company has learned that a marine terminal worker was fatally injured as a result of being crushed under the rear wheels of a container reach stacker on 30 December 2020. 

At present we cannot share the [other-than-U.S.] terminal’s name or location, but can only allow that the facility is partially owned and operated by a well known terminal investment arm of a globally operating ocean carrier.

What we know about the accident:

1). The worker was a pedestrian, and was present outside of a designated walkway;

2).The worker was using his/her cellphone at the time of the accident, and was apparently unaware of the approach of the reversing reach stacker;

3). The lower parts of the worker’s body sustained severe trauma; and

4). Emergency medical attention was on scene within “a few minutes”, whereupon the injured worker was taken to a local hospital. The worker died there.


Obviously, being outside of a designated walkway while inside of a marine terminal is a poor practice which invites trouble. Moreover, that poor practice was amplified by the accident victim’s concurrent use of a cellphone.

What’s also missing from the fundamental safety equation, however, is whether or not the reach stacker was fitted with a rear view camera or with another anti-collision device which could have mitigated this very unfortunate outcome.

In the fullness of time, we hope to have additional information about this accident and will post updates here accordingly.

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