One Crane Mechanic Dead; Another Injured In Falls From Elevated Work Platform [São Francisco do Sul, Brazil – 15 April 2020]

One Crane Mechanic Dead; Another Injured In Falls From Elevated Work Platform [São Francisco do Sul, Brazil – 15 April 2020]

Posted by on Aug 30, 2020 in Bulletins

One Crane Mechanic Dead; Another Injured In Falls From Elevated Work Platform  [São Francisco do Sul, Brazil – 15 April 2020]

Late arriving news coming to Blueoceana Company relates that, while disassembling a dockside Gottwald mobile harbor crane, a crane mechanic retained by terminal operator Santa Catarina Port Terminal to carry out the work fell approximately 15 meters (49.2 feet) when knocked from an elevated work platform and died of injuries sustained.

Another crane mechanic also fell, but his fall distance was not as great and as a consequence he suffered serious but non fatal injuries. A third worker, in the employ of another firm, managed to hang suspended from a wire rope and was spared serious injury.

Links to Media Accounts:

The Mobile Harbor Crane Being Disassembled
Orientation of São Francisco do Sul