Operator Drowns as Yard Tractor & Bombcart Plunge Into Harbor [Veracruz, Mexico – 31 March 2020]
![Operator Drowns as Yard Tractor & Bombcart Plunge Into Harbor [Veracruz, Mexico – 31 March 2020]](https://blueoceana.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Screen-Shot-2020-04-27-at-10.28.12-AM-560x200.png)
A 46 year old yard tractor operator, known to us only as “Rogelio N”, was drowned at the International Company of Associated Containers of Veracruz (ICAVE) marine terminal on 31 March 2020 when his rig became propelled into Veracruz Harbor after allegedly striking an object on the terminal’s apron.
ICAVE is reportedly an organization within the Hutchison Ports retinue of companies. http://hutchisonportsicave.com/en/who-we-are/new-port-of-veracruz/
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