Mobile Harbor Crane Collapse Kills One; Injures a Second [Sao Francisco Do Sul, Brazil – 15 April 2020]

Mobile Harbor Crane Collapse Kills One; Injures a Second [Sao Francisco Do Sul, Brazil – 15 April 2020]

Posted by on Apr 16, 2020 in Bulletins

Mobile Harbor Crane Collapse Kills One; Injures a Second  [Sao Francisco Do Sul, Brazil – 15 April 2020]

Blueoceana Company has learned from friends at MARITIME BULLETIN and from workers at the effected port that a mobile harbor crane collapsed at the TESC Terminal in the Southern Brazilian port of Sao Francisco Do Sol yesterday (15 April).

At the time of the accident, two dock workers were seriously injured; we understand that one of them later died.

We’re unaware of the factors that may have contributed to the mobile harbor crane’s instability, but we have inquiries out and hope to learn more.

Should further facts become available, they will be posted here as an Update

The Accident Scene
Orientation of Sao Francisco Do Sol

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