Port Worker Succumbs To Fatal Crushing Injuries First Sustained on 02 December [Itajai, Brazil – 05 December 2019]

Port Worker Succumbs To Fatal Crushing Injuries First Sustained on 02 December [Itajai, Brazil – 05 December 2019]

Posted by on Dec 16, 2019 in Bulletins

Port Worker Succumbs To Fatal Crushing Injuries First Sustained on 02 December  [Itajai, Brazil – 05 December 2019]

After spending three days within an induced coma in the wake of an accident that resulted in a fractured skull and other internal injuries, port worker Celso Klock, 51, was taken off life support on 05 December at the Intensive Care Unit of Marieta Konder Bornhausen hospital at Itajai, Brazil. His family authorized the life-ending decision and donated his useful organs to help preserve the lives of others.

Roughly translated media accounts (See links below) relate that Mr. Klock had been working within a warehouse at Itajai Port, moving materials inside of a refrigerated container, when a pile of lumber being moved by a forklift truck within that container shifted and fell on him. The injuries sustained were apparently massive.

Our understanding, is that Mr. Klock had filed retirement documents just last week…..

Link To Media Account: (Our first notice of accident)

Link To Media Account:  

Link To Media Account:

APMT Itajai Port
Orientation of Itajai Port
Upriver Orientation of APMT Itajai Port Facility