C/V APL MEXICO CITY Breaks Mooring Lines; Allides With (and brings down) Container Crane [Antwerp, Belgium – 09 December 2019]

C/V APL MEXICO CITY Breaks Mooring Lines; Allides With (and brings down) Container Crane [Antwerp, Belgium – 09 December 2019]

Posted by on Dec 9, 2019 in Bulletins

C/V APL MEXICO CITY Breaks Mooring Lines; Allides With (and brings down) Container Crane [Antwerp, Belgium – 09 December 2019]

This afternoon, at about 1:45 PM Local Time, C/V APL MEXICO CITY broke her mooring lines during high wind conditions being experienced at the Port of Antwerp, Belgium. The winds persisted and caused the vessel to drift within the harbor.

Approximately ten minutes later, after drifting to the DP World facility at Antwerp, the vessel’s flying bridge made contact with the boom tip of one of the terminal’s container gantry cranes, bringing the crane down.

We understand that the crane’s cab had no operator within it, but that crane mechanics were working on or near the crane. Reports coming to Blueoceana Company reveal that there were no injuries, however.

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Track of Drift
