Truck Driver Killed at Marine Terminal, as Unsecured Container Shifts Forward During Turn [New Mangalore Port, India – 06 November 2019]

Truck Driver Killed at Marine Terminal, as Unsecured Container Shifts Forward During Turn [New Mangalore Port, India – 06 November 2019]

Posted by on Nov 8, 2019 in Bulletins

Truck Driver Killed at Marine Terminal, as Unsecured Container Shifts Forward During Turn [New Mangalore Port, India – 06 November 2019]

News accounts coming to Blueoceana Company indicate that a middle aged (media coverage is imprecise) over the road truck driver was fatally injured at the sprawling New Mangalore Port Trust facility on India’s Southwestern coast Wednesday night (06 November).

From what we’re made to understand, Vinod Poojary, an employee of Delta Infra Logistics, was both receiving and delivering loaded intermodal containers from and to the facility when one such container shifted during a turn, came away from his trailer’s frame and continued forward, crushing Mr. Poojary who was occupying the tractor operator’s seat at the time.

Photographs that accompany the news articles available to us appear to depict the trailer as being a flat bed. Available means for appropriate container securing, however, are presently unknown to us.

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The Accident Scene
Orientation of New Mangalore Port