Marine Clerk Dies in Timber Discharge Accident [Aden, Yemen – 26 October 2019]
![Marine Clerk Dies in Timber Discharge Accident [Aden, Yemen – 26 October 2019]](
Though only one independent source has been secured, Blueoceana Company has been made to understand that Adham Mohamed Khaled Haidar, a “counting clerk” in the employ of “a shipping company”, was fatally injured yesterday during the discharge of a timber cargo at the port district of Al-Mualla within the city of Aden, Yemen.
The media account linked to below provides additional information, but fails to explore any of the potential causal attributes of this accident.
Should further information become available, it will be provided within this post as an update.
Link to Media Account:
The Aden Port Command directs an investigation into an accident that caused the death of a worker at the port of Al-Mualla (102619)Download
Orientation of Aden Port, Yemen:

Aden Port Marine Terminal Facilities: