Straddle Carrier Operator Fatally Injured As A Result Of Collision [Copenhagen-Malmo Port, Denmark – 06 October 2019]

Straddle Carrier Operator Fatally Injured As A Result Of Collision [Copenhagen-Malmo Port, Denmark – 06 October 2019]

Posted by on Oct 9, 2019 in Bulletins

Straddle Carrier Operator Fatally Injured As A Result Of Collision [Copenhagen-Malmo Port, Denmark – 06 October 2019]

With great regret, a friend in U.K. has alerted Blueoceana Company of a fatal accident occurring at a marine terminal at Copenhagen Port, Denmark on 04 October.

In that accident, two straddle carriers apparently collided during operations. As a result, one of the operators was severely injured and hospitalized. He died in hospital on 06 October.

The media report below represents all of the information we presently have, and through searches made in the Danish language it appears that the press there have more or less cloistered (or have been cloistered from) all but the most basic information.

Should we come upon further information, it will be posted here as an Update.

Link to Media Account:

Copenhagen-Malmo Port’s Press Release:

Straddle Carriers Operating at Copenhagen-Malmo Port