Longshore Worker Fatally Injured In Falling Twist Lock Accident Aboard Container Ship [Panama City, Florida – 06 October 2019]

Longshore Worker Fatally Injured In Falling Twist Lock Accident Aboard Container Ship [Panama City, Florida – 06 October 2019]

Posted by on Oct 7, 2019 in Bulletins

Longshore Worker Fatally Injured In Falling Twist Lock Accident Aboard Container Ship [Panama City, Florida – 06 October 2019]

Blueoceana Company has been made aware of an apparent fatal accident that occurred yesterday (Sunday) afternoon aboard C/V AAL GENOA at the Port of Panama City, Florida.

Unconfirmed reports which supplement the news article linked to below, indicate that the fatally injured worker (said to be an employee of Tri-State Maritime) was struck while aboard the Seaboard Marine chartered vessel by a falling semi-automatic twist lock while he was engaged in lashing operations.

Those same reports allege that, once struck, the worker fell to a lower level and sustained further injuries. He was evacuated from the vessel and taken to hospital by the local fire department, where he is said to have died.

Link To Media Account:
