Container Depot Worker Fatally Crushed [Port Botany, Australia – 25 September 2019]

Container Depot Worker Fatally Crushed [Port Botany, Australia – 25 September 2019]

Posted by on Sep 25, 2019 in Bulletins

Container Depot Worker Fatally Crushed  [Port Botany, Australia – 25 September 2019]

Blueoceana Company has learned that a 64 year old father of one has been killed in an industrial accident occurring at the Tyne-ACFS container depot at Port Botany (Sydney), Australia this morning.

News reports coming from that port indicate that the worker, identified as Jeffrey Ho, was somehow caught between two intermodal containers, one of which was in process of being moved. It’s unclear if such movement was being conducted with the proper equipment, in that one news account indicates that the equipment at hand was a “forklift.” Another account clearly depicts a container MT handler being present.

Any clarifying information received will be published here as an update.

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