Unnamed Worker Killed in Mobile Harbor Crane Boom Collapse [Cartagena, Columbia – 19 September 2019]

Unnamed Worker Killed in Mobile Harbor Crane Boom Collapse [Cartagena, Columbia – 19 September 2019]

Posted by on Sep 25, 2019 in Bulletins

Unnamed Worker Killed in Mobile Harbor Crane Boom Collapse  [Cartagena, Columbia – 19 September 2019]

Late word coming to Blueoceana Company indicates that a gantrying ship-to-shore container crane struck the boom of an adjacent mobile harbor crane at Cartagena port, Columbia last Thursday…. collapsing the MHCs boom, whereupon it struck and killed a pedestrian worker moving along the dock.

Apart from the news article linked to below and the short video clip provided, we are in receipt of no further information and lament the fact that so preventable an incident was permitted to occur.

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