Two Workers Suffocated at Grain Export Terminal [Toledo, Ohio – 19 July 2019]

Two Workers Suffocated at Grain Export Terminal [Toledo, Ohio – 19 July 2019]

Posted by on Aug 4, 2019 in Bulletins

Two Workers Suffocated at Grain Export Terminal  [Toledo, Ohio – 19 July 2019]

With great regret, Blueoceana Company has learned that two grain export terminal workers suffocated while attempting to clear a jam of product within a silo at the Andersons Company’s marine terminal at Toledo, Ohio on 19 July.

Joshua Stone, 29, and James Heilman, 56, perished in an avalanche of stored grain during their attempted efforts to clear the obstructed flow of the export cargo.

Engulfment in stored bulk products is a recognized occupational hazard, and there are ways and means of mitigating that hazard by having equipment and procedures in place to affect immediate rescue/extrication in the event of a product collapse.

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Orientation of Toledo