Operator Struck and Killed By Failed Container Stacker Mast [Kemari (Karachi Port), Pakistan – 11 July 2019]

Operator Struck and Killed By Failed Container Stacker Mast [Kemari (Karachi Port), Pakistan – 11 July 2019]

Posted by on Jul 11, 2019 in Bulletins

Operator Struck and Killed By Failed Container Stacker Mast  [Kemari (Karachi Port), Pakistan – 11 July 2019]

Through a friend situated nearby, Blueoceana Company has been made to understand that an industrial truck (a large forklift) operator lost his life today at an intermodal container depot located in Kemari (Karachi Port), Pakistan.

The information coming to us appears to indicate that during the process of hoisting an empty 40 foot open top container the machine’s mast failed and then fulcrumed backwards, crushing him as he sat in the operator’s seat.

Photographs we’ve been provided allow us to conjecture the fundamental causal elements of this accident, and we provide several of those photographs here to permit readers the exercise of their own conjecture.
