Longshorewoman Fatally Injured In Collapse Of Stacked Bales [Beaumont, Texas – 08 July 2019]

Longshorewoman Fatally Injured In Collapse Of Stacked Bales [Beaumont, Texas – 08 July 2019]

Posted by on Jul 8, 2019 in Bulletins

Longshorewoman Fatally Injured In Collapse Of Stacked Bales [Beaumont, Texas – 08 July 2019]

With the deepest of regret, Blueoceana Company has learned of the death of a longshorewoman occurring earlier today at the Port of Beaumont, Texas. She had been a member of ILA Local Union 1316. Pending confirmation that notification to family members has been affirmatively established, we will withhold a proper name.

Reports we’ve received indicate that the accident took place within Shed C at Beaumont port’s Harbor Island Marine Terminal (see photograph below), and that it was occasioned by the top tier (each tier being comprised of several bales) of banded wood pulp (much like the exemplar photograph shown below) falling from a stack that was being formed by an industrial truck (forklift) operator.

UPDATE   09 July 9:00 AM (EST):

With next of kin notification now established, we can reveal that the fatally injured worker was Ms. Pam Thomas. Her photograph appears below.

Pam Thomas

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Exemplar Bales of Banded Wood Pulp
Orientation of Beaumont Port, Texas