Pedestrian Worker Fatally Injured in Marine Terminal Vehicular Incident [Liverpool Port, U.K. – 15 May 2019]

Pedestrian Worker Fatally Injured in Marine Terminal Vehicular Incident [Liverpool Port, U.K. – 15 May 2019]

Posted by on May 21, 2019 in Bulletins

Pedestrian Worker Fatally Injured in Marine Terminal Vehicular Incident [Liverpool Port, U.K. – 15 May 2019]

News reaching Blueoceana Company today, relates that a pedestrian worker was struck and killed by a truck (lorry) at the Brocklebank Dock facility, Bootle (Liverpool), U.K. last Wednesday evening (15 May).

Merseyside Police responding to the scene of the accident arrested the lorry’s operator, who was charged with suspicion of death by careless and drug driving.

Given the involvement of the U.K.’s Health and Safety Executive in this incident’s investigation, we must assume that the matter occurred within a workplace; not on a pubic thoroughfare.

UPDATE: 24 May 2019; 11:00 AM EST – In communication with two separate sources at Liverpool port, we’ve received unconfirmed reports that the vehicle involved was a tug (yard tractor), that it was being operated by a marine terminal worker (who was, consistent with the information above, arrested) and that the fatally injured worker was in fact part of the ship’s complement.

We’re continuing to research this incident, and hope to have more conclusive information going forward. When (and if) received, such information will be provided here; as an UPDATE.

Brocklebank Dock, Liverpool Port
Orientation of Liverpool, U.K. [Bootle, a town in the Metropolitan Borough of SeftonMerseyside, lies immediately North of the city].