Marine Terminal Worker Fatally Crushed Inside Intermodal Container [Ortona, Italy – 25 March 2019]

Marine Terminal Worker Fatally Crushed Inside Intermodal Container [Ortona, Italy – 25 March 2019]

Posted by on May 19, 2019 in Bulletins

Marine Terminal Worker Fatally Crushed Inside Intermodal Container  [Ortona, Italy – 25 March 2019]

While news coverage is meager, Blueoceana Company has learned that an unidentified 59 year old port worker lost his life when a metal rack fell on him while working within an intermodal container at Ortona port, Italy on the afternoon of 25 March 2019.

The Apparent “Pallet Wide” Container at Issue
The Adriatic Port of Ortona (Abruzzo), Italy
Orientation of Ortona Port