Port Security Guard Killed In Vehicular Accident [San Antonio Port, Chile – 21 November 2018]

Port Security Guard Killed In Vehicular Accident [San Antonio Port, Chile – 21 November 2018]

Posted by on Dec 8, 2018 in Bulletins

Port Security Guard Killed In Vehicular Accident  [San Antonio Port, Chile – 21 November 2018]

Late arriving news coming to Blueoceana Company indicates that Sr. José Ramón Ulloa Plaza, 53, a security guard at the inbound gate complex of San Antonio port, Chile, was struck and killed by a tractor/container combination on 21 November while he was directing traffic. According to at least one press report, he sustained “multiple trauma.”

Sr. Ulloa Plaza’s employer was Eulen Seguridad, a provider of security-related services to the San Antonio port authority.

Link to Media Account:  Security Guard dies after being run over by truck in port of San Antonio (112318)

Link to Media Account:  Security guard died after being run over in the port (112118)

Link to Media Account:  Guard dies run over at the Logistic Node of the Port of San Antonio (112118)

Link to Media Account:  Port worker died in San Antonio after being hit by a truck (112118)
