Dockworker Struck and Killed By Reversing Forklift In Warehouse No. 11 [Lirquén, Chile – 05 October 2018]
![Dockworker Struck and Killed By Reversing Forklift In Warehouse No. 11 [Lirquén, Chile – 05 October 2018]](érrez-Saravia-1-348x200.jpg)
Late arriving reports coming to Blueoceana Company from the Chilean press, indicate that Claudio Gutiérrez Saravia, a 52 year old longshore worker, was killed in a forklift back-over event within a storage warehouse at Lirquén port, Chile on the morning of 05 October 2018. Initial reports indicated that the incident took place aboard a docked RoRo vessel, but a continuing dialogue with port personnel has clarified the venue as being Warehouse No. 11.
Ironically, local press reports dating back to March of this year (see below) set out the port’s deployment of advanced RF technology installed on larger industrial trucks that would be able detect pedestrian employee presence (through a device situated within the workers’ hard hat). In the wake of the 05 October incident, it might be advisable to also install that RF technology on industrial trucks of smaller size/capacity as well. Moreover, based solely on the levels of illumination shown in the photograph below, supplemental illumination may be requisite within the warehouse.
Link to Media Account: Puerto Lirquén implements sensors in helmets of its workers (031218)
Link to Media Account: Unión Portuaria expresses regret for the death of a worker in Lirquén (100518)
Link to Media Account: Unión Portuaria regrets the death of a worker in Lirquén (100518)
Link to Union’s Statement: Declaracion Publica
Link to Media Account: [NOW] A dead person leaves brutal accident in Puerto de Lirquén (100518)
Photo below: Port Facilities at Lirquén
Photo above: Sr. Claudio Gutiérrez Saravia (at center) and fellow dock workers at Lirquén port.