Longshore Worker Fatally Injured During Pipe Discharge Operation [Antwerp, BE – 14 September 2018]
![Longshore Worker Fatally Injured During Pipe Discharge Operation [Antwerp, BE – 14 September 2018]](https://blueoceana.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/1-copy-537x200.jpeg)
News reaching Blueoceana Company from friends in Europe moments ago, has us understand that a 53 year old Belgian longshore worker was crushed dockside during the transfer of steel pipe. The as-yet unnamed worker was standing on the dock adjacent to the vessel being worked, when one of the lengths of pipe came away from a trailing vehicle and ultimately landed on him.
As far as we can determine, only one media report exists at this time. We provide a link to its translated version below.
Link to Media Account: Dock worker died in Antwerp harbor when unloading pipes (091418)
UPDATE 14 September 2018, 11:45 PM [EST]: A second, followup media account has been published by GAZET VAN ANTWERPEN, and in it a representative of the dock workers’ union provides added insight into the accident, to wit:
“When unloading tubes with the fork lift, a tube started rolling and ended up on a worker”, says Percy De Middelaer, trade union representative of BTB-ABVV. “Since those tubes weigh 1000 to 1500 kg, the dock worker was instantly dead. It is a man of 54 years, with 15 years of experience in the port. “
Link to Media Account: Dock worker is killed in an accident at work in Antwerp harbor (091418)
Above & Below: Zuidanatie Break Bulk Facility, Antwerp.