Marine Terminal Worker Fatally Crushed Between Containers [Nuku’alofa Port, Tonga – 09 May 2018]

Marine Terminal Worker Fatally Crushed Between Containers [Nuku’alofa Port, Tonga – 09 May 2018]

Posted by on Aug 27, 2018 in Bulletins

Marine Terminal Worker Fatally Crushed Between Containers  [Nuku’alofa Port, Tonga – 09 May 2018]

With all the World’s ports as our subject matter focus, it’s understandably difficult to report all incidents in both a timely and orderly manner. There are times wherein we receive notices within moments of such an occurrence; there are other times (such as is the case here) where the notice arrives several months later. We ask for the readers’ forbearance.

Nonetheless, the knowledge of each such incident, while often horrible to contemplate, is important in creating at least some awareness on the part of other longshore workers. It is our hope that such knowledge will somehow permit waterfront workers the ability to safely return home to their families and friends after each work shift. For that reason, we will continue to pass on that knowledge.

Word coming to us just today, reveals that an employee of Dateline Transam Shipping Ltd was crushed and fatally injured while transiting on foot between two intermodal containers stored in the terminal’s yard. We conjecture that the containers were stationary and that a powered piece of equipment was either engaging one of the containers or, alternatively, accidentally struck one.

The 46 year old victim’s actual name is presently unknown, however, the media account immediately below speaks in terms of a psuedo nom.

Link To Media Account:   Wharf authority pays tribute to musically talented victim killed in port accident (050918)

Link To Media Account:   Man Dies At Wharf In Tonga (051018)
