Two Cargo Superintendents Suffocated in Coal Pile Collapse [Gangavaram Port, India – 17 August 2018]

Two Cargo Superintendents Suffocated in Coal Pile Collapse [Gangavaram Port, India – 17 August 2018]

Posted by on Aug 25, 2018 in Bulletins

Two Cargo Superintendents Suffocated in Coal Pile Collapse  [Gangavaram Port, India – 17 August 2018]

Late word coming to Blueoceana Company from the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh, provides that two cargo superintendents lost their lives during the loading of a vessel at Gangavaram Port in the early morning hours of 17 August 2018.

Reports indicate that B V Ramaraju and K Mohan Rao were engaged in the loading of a vessel at Berth 3, when a shoreside “heap of coal” collapsed upon them causing their crushing and subsequent suffocation.

Approximately one year ago, we understand that two Filipino crew members suffered the same fate; at the same facility.

Link To Media Account:  2 workers die in Gangavaram port accident (081718)

