Italian Port Worker Fatally Crushed Outside Marine Terminal Marble Warehouse [Marina di Carrara, IT – 11 July 2018]

Italian Port Worker Fatally Crushed Outside Marine Terminal Marble Warehouse [Marina di Carrara, IT – 11 July 2018]

Posted by on Aug 23, 2018 in Bulletins

Italian Port Worker Fatally Crushed Outside Marine Terminal Marble Warehouse  [Marina di Carrara, IT – 11 July 2018]

Late reports coming to Blueoceana Company reveal that a 37 year old port worker was killed in a crushing accident outside a Marina di Carrara dockside marble warehouse on 11 July 2018.

Luca Savio (see photos below), a contract laborer involved in the materials handling of large blocks of Carrara marble, was apparently moving between two grounded blocks of the cargo when one of the blocks was moved (presumably by an industrial truck). Mr. Savio was crushed between the two blocks.

He leaves behind a wife and a young child.

Link to Media Account:  Worker dies after being struck with a block of marble (071218)


