ILWU Linesman Fatally Injured in Vessel Shifting Operation (Longview, WA – 28 June 2018)

ILWU Linesman Fatally Injured in Vessel Shifting Operation (Longview, WA – 28 June 2018)

Posted by on Jun 28, 2018 in Bulletins

ILWU Linesman Fatally Injured in Vessel Shifting Operation (Longview, WA – 28 June 2018)

A 34 year old member of ILWU Local Union 21 was killed earlier today (28 June 2018) at the Port of Longview, Washington.

Media reports (see below) offer some information, indicating that he was participating in a vessel shifting exercise which was taking the M/V ANZAC SPLENDOR (see photo above) from an adjacent berth to Berth 5 at that port.

During the shift, we are made to understand that only one mooring line was stabilizing the vessel’s full mass and that line parted under the sizable strain imposed. The line snapped back with great force, killing 34 year old Byron “Jake” Jacobs. Another longshore worker was struck, as was a security guard standing nearby. Both suffered injuries of a less serious nature. A crew member aboard the vessel, however, was struck by the opposite end of the parted, natural fibre line and is in extremely serious condition at a local hospital.

Mr. Jacobs, a dedicated family man, leaves a wife and three children under the age of ten. My heart is breaking as I type this post.


Link to Media Account: Man killed, 3 others injured as vessel’s line snaps at Port of Longview (062818)

Link to Media Account: Man killed, 3 others injured at Port of Longview after line tied to ship snaps (062818)

UPDATE [29 June 2018 11:30 PM]:   We understand that the crew member (Mr. Pingshan Li, 41 years old) injured aboard M/V ANSAC SPLENDOR was, in fact, the vessel’s 1st Mate and that he has succumbed to his very serious injuries while in hospital.

UPDATE: [03 July 2018 2:00 PM]:

